The Easiest Way to Create an Upward Spiral With Your Body

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The Easiest Way to Create an Upward Spiral With Your Body

Have you been stuck sitting around your house too much during this pandemic? Me too. Though I suppose if you’re one of those people that loves getting lots of exercise, good for you … (I’m not sure if that’s actually sarcastic or not). But for the rest of us, it’s often a struggle. And because I’ve written several book chapters about exercise, I feel a little bit silly having a problem with this (thus if you haven’t written any books about neuroscience and exercise you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself). I’m acutely aware of how my brain is missing out on all that dopamine and everything else, but unfortunately that doesn’t always inspire me to get moving. I want those benefits, but exercise often seems to require more energy than I’ve got at the moment.­

Luckily I came across an article summarizing the research on one of the simplest and most often overlooked forms of exercise: walking. Walking seems too simple and easy to have a big impact on your wellbeing … and yet it actually boosts mood and reduces stress. In fact, it might even be better than some more intense forms of exercise, because intense exercise can sometimes actually increase stress and create more negative feelings. Walking can also increase your energy levels and even help you sleep better. So when you don’t have the time or energy for a big workout, that’s ok. Just go for a walk around the block, and remind yourself that even though it’s easy, it’s a powerful way to create an upward spiral.

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